
These are the posts detailing the interactions with people on the radio. Mostly LBC and some on the BBC. It began with Mark Carter who invited me into BBC Surrey & Sussex, in their Guildford studios for an hour to record off air. He then split the recording into four parts to broadcast over four days in 2015.


Talking with Carol Vorderman on LBC

Bulling rears its ugly face again. It comes in every walk of life, and from people who see you as different to them. I was bullied for many years, from school days to work as an adult. The North American Indians not only had 5 genders, man, woman, gay and lesbian, they had trans. The

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Talking with Ali Miraj on LBC

It still astounds me that so many people still think it ok to get between trans people and their healthcare providers. The government should NOT be an arbiter of healthcare, nor should the general population. I don’t know of any other group of human beings who are talked about in the toxic way the discussion

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Taking on LBC with Tom

The Cass Review of transgender care in the NHS came out and seems to have stirred some criticism and some acceptance. Criticism due to many research trials being ignored, and acceptance due to the transphobic people seeing this as a victory. What is very clear is that Cass didn’t interview trans people to hear their

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Talking on LBC with Shelagh

Conversations turn to discussions, then turn into toxic rubbish. People, when they are challenged to face up to their own fear, blame others for that fear. How many of us are willing to look deep within to discover the genesis of their pain and fear? Due to me being trans woman, I faced some awful

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Talking on LBC with David Lammy

I can’t believe that it’s ten years since the Equal Marriage Act was created. I married June late in 2014. If we had married before the Act, and I had chosen to get a Gender Recognition Certificate (GRC), we would have been two women. Before the Act, June and I would’ve been forced to divorce

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Talking again with Shelagh (on LBC)

It’s really interesting to see what is happening to people and their ability to get lower and lower in their empathy, compassion and kindness towards people unlike them. Politics really does show the worst. Politicians pick a topic, and rather than have sensible conversations about it, they dig themselves into deeper and deeper holes until

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Talking with Shelagh Fogarty (on LBC)

The Daily Mail has been at it again. And so has the think tanks aiming their venom at trans people. What is it in these Daily Mail editors and writers experience that guided them to lose their humanity? As a trans woman, I still find it difficult to deal with hate directed towards us, a

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Talking with Kathy Caton (on BBC)

It’s really interesting what life brings to your door. A sequence of events conspired to bring me to GIRES, the Gender Identity Research & Education Society, in 2015. I was travelling to speak to Mark Carter on that Friday when I was invited to talk on live radio. June was with me and also talked

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Talking with Andrew Pierce (on LBC)

There are still people in this country (and others) who want conversion therapy to remain. The government is holding off on banning it. The religious around us are the main culprits, and the government is using this as a way of distracting from themselves. The transgender and the gay have become scape goats. I find

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Talking with James Again (on LBC)

In the midst of the Pride celebrations, it seems only right to discuss LGBT issues again. People sometimes feel icky when they see members of the same sex holding hands, showing affection and perhaps kissing. We are as an English nation, quite retarded in coming out and expressing a natural trait. And what is that

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