Random Thoughts

Random Thoughts

The Three Tribes

There were three tribes, all called the HUA, people who were in a constant war of attrition, of conflict, for generation after generation. Yet, there were periods of calmness where their leaders, and the people, grew tired of the deaths and injury inflicted upon them by the neighbouring tribes. So, each tribe would then agree

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Random Thoughts

Comment on GRA & Liz Truss Opinions

I’m often surprised at human beings. We are capable of so many compassionate acts of kindness and love towards other human beings and nature, but we also have the capacity to inflict unspeakable acts against our own kind. With the coronavirus outbreak, we have shown we have the capacity to support each other in ways

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Random Thoughts

Giving Away Your Power

Giving away your power is very easy. So easy in fact as we are trained from a very early age to relinquish it in exchange for love and value. If we don’t adhere to society’s rules, we are pushed to the edge of that society, vilified, demonised and devalued, and usually hunted down as miscreants

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Random Thoughts

It’s 2020 – WAKE UP!

It is time for humankind to wake up, to take responsibility! Yes, that’s you, that’s me, that’s every one of us! It’s time for us all to take responsibility for our actions, our actions of the past, our actions now and our actions in the future. What I mean is for us to become aware,

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Random Thoughts

Compassion for Orlando

Jesus said, “If you bring forth what is within you, what you have will save you. If you do not have that within you, what you do not have within you will kill you.” That was from the Gospel of Thomas. If you do not acknowledge that which is within you, you will die spiritually,

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Random Thoughts

Finding Value

Everything in life has value. Even the darkest of actions of hate and revenge have value. You just have to be open enough and aware of your emotions, feelings and thoughts to see that value. And if you aren’t aware enough, you will never see that value, the bigger picture, and so choose anger, hate

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Random Thoughts

The Meaning of Fishes

There comes a point in everyone’s life where something that was exceedingly opaque becomes exceedingly transparent, its meaning becoming blindingly obvious. It was as though I had metaphorically stuffed a Babel Fish into my ear and listened to a translation of a long held proverb into another language, a language I actually understood; the language

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Random Thoughts

Choices, Consequences & Responsibilities

It is said that life is about the choices one makes, the consequences of those choices and the willingness to accept the responsibility for those consequences. Most of us at one time or another shirk those responsibilities and put the blame onto another person. For me, in my childhood, I learnt very quickly that when

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