Useful Links
Here are some websites I found particularly useful during my discovery of self and the transgender person inside. There are many more about the LBGT communities in the UK and all over the world. Some countries still treat the LGBT community with total disrespect and vilification.
Gender Identity Research and Education Society. This is a great starting point as the site contains a wealth of information relating to issues around gender and identity.
Mermaids for Young People. For teenagers and children who are having identity issues.
A Way of Seeing on YouTube. This is my channel where I have several videos relating to the book and some of my experiences being trans. Most other trans people are younger, in their 20s and 30s, so have an advantage over us oldies. They have YouTube and loads of information at their finger tips because of the web. I didn’t have this resource.
Teal Swan on YouTube. Teal Swan has for me been a wonderful reflection. She has recorded many videos over the last few years and I watch most of them. She has one about being transgender that I found particularly useful.
My Genderation on YouTube. My Genderation was set up by Fox Fisher & Lewis Hancox (two transguys) to make films about individuals and events on the trans spectrum, for a much wider audience.