More to Life Magazine

More to Life Edition 33

More to Life is a wonderful magazine full of interesting articles about the journey we call life. Some of us embrace our life living it to the full while others simply ignore it and find life a struggle. The magazine brings possibility of something greater, something bigger than pain. This is called freedom.

Jayne is a joyful person and has a glorious liverpudlian accent. She created this magazine from scratch using her inherent muse. I helped design her website in a former incarnation and managed it for a while.

She has given me space in edition 33 to write just a small part of the book. Do click on the image and see what is available for your delight.

The magazine is both paper and electronic now so you can get either. I do like the feel of paper in my hands but particularly this magazine as the production quality is stunning.

This is the article called Signals from the Universe. I hope you enjoy it and so find the book and the magazine calling.